To be honest, the idea of researching and collecting baby gear really stressed me out at first. With Ella, most of what we used was handed down to us, which was a huge blessing both in that we didn't have to buy much, and I didn't have to spend much time picking "the best" gear. This time around we are far away from family and since we don't have a toooon of square footage to work with #denverliving I wanted to find things that would be multi functional, aesthetically pleasing, and non toxic.
It was a big ask. Not to mention things be EXPENSIVE.
If you know me at all you know I'm a thrift shop queen. But if there is one thing I hate buying secondhand it is baby gear. It's stressful and sometimes dirty, and you're not always sure if what you're buying is in working condition until you get home and then you're pretty much stuck with it. Not to mention beggars can't really be choosers, and I like to be choosy. For example, I'm a huge fan of Nuna both for the style of their gear and their attention to choosing non toxic materials, but DANG they are pricey!
Enter Good Buy Gear.
It's like online shopping and thrifting combined. You can buy (and sell) used baby gear and they will ship it to your house! The best part is they have EVERYTHING you can think of so you can be choosy and still get a great deal! You also can be sure of the quality because they check the condition and clean every item before they list it! They also carry tons of open box (read: brand new) items so if used items just aren't your jam, they've got you covered too!
I've linked everything that we've collected for our little babe below. But I got almost all of these exact items from Good Buy Gear so I highly recommend you checking them out first, but only if you like saving money. Plus you can use the code TABBILANE to save $15 off your $100 purchase!